9 Effective Ways To Boost Your Self Confidence Right Now

Swetha Bhatnagar
3 min readMar 3, 2017


Finding that extra dose of confidence in times of personal uncertainty is a tricky thing to master. And even when you’re able to find it, it can be even more difficult to maintain. Confidence is, however, one of the strongest personal traits we can posses. It has the remarkable power to help you maintain positivity and happiness in your life at a consistent rate.

Simply put, bravado gets the girl. So if you want to be more attractive to women, show your swagger. But not by pounding your chest or picking a fight with the drunk at the end of the bar. Here are some more effective techniques to boost your self confidence.

1. Call Before Day Three

She gave you her number. Use it within 48 hours or you’ll look either scared or stupid for resorting to high-school mind games.

2. Take a Compliment

When she says she likes your dimples, simply “smile and say thank you.

3. Walk This Way

Women look first at your attire and second at how you walk. Keep your wardrobe stylish and impeccable.

4. Look Her in the Eyes

Tell her you love her smile while gazing at her feet and you’ll reek of insecurity or insincerity.

5. Perform at the Beeo.

If you get her voicemail, be the one guy today who leaves a message. To convey confidence, your voice should be deep and moderately loud. Stand up and hum a little before you call — it will bring your voice to the ideal pitch.

6. Celebrate Her Success

A confident man doesn’t feel emasculated if the woman he’s with makes more money than he does; he takes it as a compliment.

7. Be Direct

If you’d like to go into her apartment, tell her at the door — and skip the excuse about needing to use her bathroom.

8. Have a Seat

Always position yourself at a 90-degree angle to her instead of straight on for a dinner date, says Steele. If she sits at the end of the table, sit in the first seat to her left.

9. Don’t Expose Your Negatives

When talking about yourself, keep it positive. Stick to your best attributes and the interests you’re most passionate about.

Read full post here.

Note: This article was originally published at newszii, Please share on Facebook, Twitter and other social website if you like this article.



Swetha Bhatnagar
Swetha Bhatnagar

Written by Swetha Bhatnagar

I am Shweta Bhatnagar. I work as a freelance writer on Lifestyle, Entertainment, Humor, Women, Foods, Travel, Technology and Politics.

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